Men! Love and Relationships

Some men or let's just say most men are very naive when it comes to love and relationships. Yes I said and I will say it a hundred times more without even blinking an eye. I know you're wondering how I came to this conclusion or even who gives me the mandate to make such... Continue Reading →

How well can you describe your 2015 in one word? Here goes mine.

Finally we are on the last day of 2015. Yet another day where people sit down and decide on their resolutions for the coming year. Some are still stuck with resolutions from way back, anyway that's none of our business lets just sip some tea like Kermit. How was your 2015? How well can you... Continue Reading →

Be careful who you undress before

Have you ever seen someone naked? I bet you're nodding your head or even saying "daaaah who hasn't?" What does being naked entail?  It's not just someone without clothes, no. You can actually look at a person with no clothes but that doesn't necessarily have to be termed as naked. You might be in bed... Continue Reading →

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